Good Things come in Threes

After six years of dormancy while I’ve gotten married, established a home and started a family there will be three big announcements coming over the next three months.

While the new Aeolian Digital revamp soft launched at the beginning of October, a formal announcement will be made via social network channels including Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and more on November 15 to announce the revised site which moved to the WordPress platform for 2009 and beyond.

In December comes the official announcement of a new version of a comics web site project that is now 1 1/2 years in development. I’m very proud of where things have come thus far and I’m excited about releasing it publicly.

In January comes the official beta release of an open source ActionScript framework almost three years in the making. This is my big one and I plan to have had a full six months of alpha testing before this release.

It’s a huge amount of work about to culminate in three months of big news. Stay Tuned!


Jeff Fox is an over twenty-year web developer and digital user experience technology leader. Jeff cut his teeth in the Web's early days and is mainly self-taught in his professional skills. Having worked for a broad number of companies has helped build skills in development, organization and public speaking. In addition to being a passionate developer and technical speaker, Jeff is a dedicated tech and sci-fi geek gladly indulging in Doctor Who and Star Wars marathons. He is also a talented musician, writer and proud father of three little Foxies. And don't get him started about his San Francisco Giants.

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