The Open Sports Toolkit

Rapid Development API for sports driven web sites

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Download Version 0.3

October 26, 2013
The Open Sports Toolkit is an integral part of the Fox Open Sports Platform (FOSP) and is installed along with the rest of the platform by default.
Download the FOSP Version 0.3

More about The Open Sports Toolkit

img_logo_ost_200x194A collection of standard data models, helpers, standard conventions and language files to provide out-of-the-box development APIs and functionality for sports statistics based web development. The goal is to allow access to standard sets of sports data, functions and display code via these tools to help speed web site development that includes sports statistics.


  • Standard library of data models including: Leagues, League Events, Teams, Players and Human Managers
  • Standard set of helpers for querying, manipulating and displaying statistical data
  • Standard set of language files to cover basic baseball and game language

Installation and Usage

Open Sports Toolkit is a standard component of the Fox Open Sports Platform (FOSP) and is installed along with the rest of the platform by default. The source code, however, is available for download from