… there’s been lots happening.
First there’s a third little Foxy coming in the immediate future. He or she arrives in August. I expect things to get pretty busy, but seeing how great our first two kids have been, I’m excited to meet and see what our third turns out to be. We’re doing lots of fun things with the kids prior to F3 day as I personally call it like local fairs and a Bridgeport Bluefish game. I hope they adjust well to having a new sibling in the house, but we’re all very excited nonetheless.
Second, I’ve finally begun dispersing the link for my AS3 Library, FoxR around to the Flash Coders and PureMVC communities. I’ve been hesitant thus far mainly because I worried some things weren’t fully fleshed out but having sat on the alpha release for almost six months now, I feel like it’s seriously time to solicit some feedback. So far, the initial feedback from the LinkedIn Groups has been very positive.
Third, I’ve been doing a lot of MVC Development in PHP using the CodeIgniter framework. I have two projects that are pretty set for beta ready to hit the web. The Comic Rack (Name change pending due to a conflict with another comic project of the same name) is the first and older of the two projects. It began way beack when I was still at Starwood Hotels and is my attempt at creating a dynamic user driven online comics database. I have grander schemes in mind if I can ever find unlimited time and/or funding but in the meantime, the inital alpha version is currently available at tcr.aeoliandigital.com.
The other project (and one I’ve pretty excited about) is a online fantasy league web site project that will use Out of the Park Baseball 11 as it’s data engine called OOTP Fantasy Leagues. OOTP 11 is a text based baseball sim game that I have had the great pleasure of beta testing for it’s last two releases and after stumbling upon Frank Holmes awesome Stats Lab mod for Online Leagues, I found inspiration to go ahead and take the plunge of building a fantasy league site. I’m currently completing work on the web based automated install scripts (taking many lessons from WordPress’ super simple install process as a guide) and I expect that to hit the web in a beta url by the end of this week or early next week. Either way, I think this is going to be a great project to throw out into the wild.
So lots hitting very soon. Can’t wait to get everyone’s feedback on all the work.
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